November's come and almost gone. In that blurred span of time life happens faster than I can jot a blog. I've been so busy with work and trying to orchestrate the construction of our finished basement. So I'm taking a moment, this first entry of November, the 22nd day of the month, to reflect.
I enjoy my husband,
friends and family,
my dog.
I enjoy what I do,
I enjoy where I live
and I enjoy what I have
and then I can recount the days
and share them with you--
without consequence.
I can reflect on the world
in the comfort of my Good Form chair
behind my black Pottery Barn desk,
and be thankful for what I am priviledged
to do, be, act, love
In the grand scheme of things
It's a lot to be thankful for.
And soon, very soon, my basement will
be finished. Thank God!
In honor of the poor bird that I will be consuming tonight, I drew a portrait to commemorate his sacrifice for our American tradition. Happy Thanksgiving!