Feb 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!

In honor of Groundhog Day, I would love to show you something from my latest book about groundhogs, which I just completed for G.P. Putnam's Sons. But because the book isn't slated for release until the end of the year, I'm not at liberty to share any of it. So I thought I'd show you my latest release instead…the adorable February 2009 cover of Highlights High Five Magazine. Moms and Dads, look for it on your local newsstand, or as I like to imagine it, at any pediatrician's office worn and torn from the multitude of children that have already thumbed through it. Because as pretty as it is on the outside, there's a slew of good reading to be had on the inside. Plus, it's the least I could hope for since Punxsutawney Phil predicts another 6 more weeks of winter!

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