Sep 23, 2009

Imagination! The World of Children's Book Illustrators

All month long, the University of Rhode Island Providence Campus is showcasing a wonderful exhibit that I am proud to be a part of. It includes 15 published illustrators and work from RISD's Children's Illustration Certificate Program. It was also an opportunity to show off my latest published work, Groundhog Weather School (Putnam).

Last week was reception night and my first time in Providence. However, being the responsible blogger that I am (actually I didn't have the forethought to photograph the actual exhibit), I thought I'd marvel you with a few interior pieces from the show as well as the character sketches and layouts that are on display (the collection shows the creative progression of the book).

I also had the pleasure of chatting it up with fellow llustrators at the show, a few of whom I had met before and will be seeing again at the upcoming Annual Highlights Illustrator's Party, including Sharon Lane Holm, Nancy Cote, Jamison Odone and Mary Jane Begin.



Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

Everything is so gorgeous and delicious. I love your color palettes.

Z-Kids said...
